Tuesday 22 April 2014

I'm So Excited

Hey, I'm a big Pedro Almodovar fan. And imagine my surprise when a small little film that takes place in an airplane in a course of a few hours wherein the plane is stuck between limbo popped up in the internet. ( I'm a big pirate. Oh shame. ) The premise is quite interesting. A plane can't land and is flying over South America burning fuel purposely. The characters on the plane are quite interesting. We have a psychic, a hitman, a bondage queen, a runaway banker, a playboy actor and a group of gay stewards and pilots. All drugged up, sexuality is one theme that pops up again and again in all of Pedro's films. So does Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas and Paz Vega in minor roles. I have to be honest. This is not one of my favorite Almodovar films. It does have its' funny moments here and there. But I kind of miss the dark, twisted beauty of his previous films. Not that all of Pedro's films must be like that to be considered great, but I do welcome Pedro's deviation to something light. Maybe it's just me. 

Pink eye rating:


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