Tuesday 22 April 2014

Don Juan DeMarco

Boy, I had no idea Johnny Depp was this dreamy once upon a time. While girls and women alike would swoon at his presence on-screen, there was a time when his cinematic roles weren't as off beat nor quirky. Well, this one isn't exactly as weird as the roles he takes on now. Playing the part of a 21-year old man seriously convinced he is Don Juan Demarco, the lover of women, Johnny nails it so sincerely. It was a pleasure to watch this film as it retreats into "Don Juan's" fantasies and deliriums. The great Marlon Brando begins to question reality and is persuaded that Don Juan is really Don Juan. But what is truth anyway? Truth is what a person believes in. For what it's worth, the film is a delight as we follow a casanova in his adventures and idealistic romanticism. We all need a little fantasy and whimsy in our lives. Whether or not Johnny really finds his one true love at the end of story, who cares? Let's just all believe that he does. 

Pink eye rating:

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