Tuesday 22 April 2014

Sound City

Watched Dave Grohl's directorial debut "Sound City" last night. Being a person with no musical talent whatsoever, the jamming sessions, music compositions and NASA-like soundboard was totally astounding. Sound City is a recording studio that young rock-and-roll dreamers pay pilgrimage to even though it resembles a hobo dump. The famous recording studio was responsible for the most epic albums and bands in musical history. Upon its' closing, Dave Grohl ( ex-drummer of Nirvana and lead singer of Foo Fighters ) retraces his steps back to the studio where it all started. Being a drummer himself, Sound City was the place to go for killer drum beats. The recording room is unchanged since the 70's for fear of altering the music quality that was specially engineered through a combination of luck alone.

What is great about the film is what Dave Grohl set out to prove... the desire to keep the human element in music. Imperfections are what makes a musical piece charming and powerful. In the documentary, you will see a myriad of music legends praising the legendary Neve soundboard ( 1 out of 4 in the world ) from Sound City that produces music so crisp. But despite featuring the Neve soundboard for a good duration of an hour or so, it is the musicians themselves who shine in the film. It shows that the musical legends whose careers were built in Sound City are where they are not just because of the soundboard itself but because of pure and raw talent.

Pink eye rating:

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